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 Devinette qui a dit

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4 participants


Nombre de messages : 9385
Age : 73
Localisation : Israel Tel aviv Yafo
Date d'inscription : 17/03/2008

Devinette qui a dit  Empty
MessageSujet: Devinette qui a dit    Devinette qui a dit  Icon_minitimeVen 12 Avr - 12:13

Devinette étonnante qui a dit ?

I am opposed to an independent Palestinian state, because in my own judgment and in the judgment of many leaders in the Middle East, including Arab leaders, this would be a destabilizing factor... and would certainly not serve the United States interests.
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Nombre de messages : 7849
Date d'inscription : 27/11/2011

Devinette qui a dit  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Devinette qui a dit    Devinette qui a dit  Icon_minitimeVen 12 Avr - 12:23

jules a écrit:
Devinette étonnante qui a dit ?

I am opposed to an independent Palestinian state, because in my own judgment and in the judgment of many leaders in the Middle East, including Arab leaders, this would be a destabilizing factor... and would certainly not serve the United States interests.

Rien d'étonnant si l'on sait que Carter s'adressait à la United Jewish Appeal National Young Leadership Conference. C'était en fevrier 1980 !

Il leur disait ce qu'ils voulaient entendre.

Preuve 1: aujourd'hui, il dit le contraire.

Preuve 2: il n'y a que les imbéciles qui ne changent pas d'avis.

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Nombre de messages : 7849
Date d'inscription : 27/11/2011

Devinette qui a dit  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Devinette qui a dit    Devinette qui a dit  Icon_minitimeVen 12 Avr - 12:30

casasport a écrit:
jules a écrit:
Devinette étonnante qui a dit ?

I am opposed to an independent Palestinian state, because in my own judgment and in the judgment of many leaders in the Middle East, including Arab leaders, this would be a destabilizing factor... and would certainly not serve the United States interests.

Rien d'étonnant si l'on sait que Carter s'adressait à la United Jewish Appeal National Young Leadership Conference. C'était en fevrier 1980 !

Il leur disait ce qu'ils voulaient entendre.

Preuve 1: aujourd'hui, il dit le contraire.

Preuve 2: il n'y a que les imbéciles qui ne changent pas d'avis.

CONCLUSION UNIQUE : ça ne rime à rien ce genre d'histoire. Aujourd'hui la Palestine est membre de l'ONU. Il faut apprendre une fois pour toute à regarder la réalité en face !
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Nombre de messages : 9385
Age : 73
Localisation : Israel Tel aviv Yafo
Date d'inscription : 17/03/2008

Devinette qui a dit  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Devinette qui a dit    Devinette qui a dit  Icon_minitimeVen 12 Avr - 12:34

casasport a écrit:
jules a écrit:
Devinette étonnante qui a dit ?

I am opposed to an independent Palestinian state, because in my own judgment and in the judgment of many leaders in the Middle East, including Arab leaders, this would be a destabilizing factor... and would certainly not serve the United States interests.

Rien d'étonnant si l'on sait que Carter s'adressait à la United Jewish Appeal National Young Leadership Conference. C'était en fevrier 1980 !

Il leur disait ce qu'ils voulaient entendre.

Preuve 1: aujourd'hui, il dit le contraire.

Preuve 2: il n'y a que les imbéciles qui ne changent pas d'avis.

C'est bien de reconnaitre vous faites des efforts Very Happy

Mais il a dit un mois plus tard le 23 Mars 1980 : We oppose the creation of an independent Palestinian state.... Nothing will deflect us from these fundamental... commitments. il avait donc réfléchi et toujours pas changé d'avis, c'est donc un imbécile Very Happy
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Nombre de messages : 5480
Date d'inscription : 14/01/2010

Devinette qui a dit  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Devinette qui a dit    Devinette qui a dit  Icon_minitimeVen 12 Avr - 12:51

Il y avait ça aussi :

Citation :
Since 1977, when I became President, with the help of Phil and many of you, we have recommended over $10 billion in military and economic assistance for Israel. And we will continue to provide sufficient aid to Israel to enable it to defend itself against any possible adversary.

In a ceremony in front of the White House, on the South Grounds of the White House, I told Prime Minister Begin on the anniversary of the founding of Israel, and I'd like to quote: "For 30 years we have stood at the side of the proud and independent nation of Israel. I can say without reservation, speaking on behalf of the American people, that we will continue to do so, not just for 30 years but forever."

I would like to emphasize, in the strongest possible terms, that our aid for Israel is not only altruistic; indeed, our close relationship with Israel is in the moral and the strategic interest of the United States.

Le brave homme, quel talent quel orateur...

Et ceci dans le même discours :

Citation :
Resolution of the Palestinian issue in all its aspects, an achievement of a comprehensive peace on the basis of UN Resolutions 242 and 338 and the Camp David accords, is the best way, in the long run, to ensure Israel's security.


Citation :
We are now embarked on a negotiation which is persistent and determined, under the leadership of Ambassador Sol Linowitz, Ambassador Yosef Burg, and Prime Minister Mustafa Khalil, aiming for two goals: first, a self-governing authority for the Palestinians who live in the West Bank and Gaza, to enable them to participate in the determination of their own future; and second, arrangements to preserve Israel's legitimate security requirements, to be recognized not only by us but by all nations.


Citation :
Also let me restate a clear policy that has guided me through all these deliberations and which will guide me in the future.
I am opposed to an independent Palestinian state, because in my own judgment and in the judgment of many leaders in the Middle East, including many Arab leaders, this would be a destabilizing factor in the Middle East and would certainly not serve the United States interests.

Il est bien ce type, c'est qui ? Carter Quel homme de paix bravo!

Citation :
I will not negotiate with nor recognize the Palestine Liberation Organization, unless it first recognizes Israel's right to exist and accepts United Nations Security Resolutions 242 and 338.

Quel con, encore un antisioniste, ses propos frisent l'antisémitisme.


Ah oui le lien :
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Nombre de messages : 9385
Age : 73
Localisation : Israel Tel aviv Yafo
Date d'inscription : 17/03/2008

Devinette qui a dit  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Devinette qui a dit    Devinette qui a dit  Icon_minitimeVen 12 Avr - 17:32

fr6 a écrit:
Il y avait ça aussi :

Citation :
Since 1977, when I became President, with the help of Phil and many of you, we have recommended over $10 billion in military and economic assistance for Israel. And we will continue to provide sufficient aid to Israel to enable it to defend itself against any possible adversary.

In a ceremony in front of the White House, on the South Grounds of the White House, I told Prime Minister Begin on the anniversary of the founding of Israel, and I'd like to quote: "For 30 years we have stood at the side of the proud and independent nation of Israel. I can say without reservation, speaking on behalf of the American people, that we will continue to do so, not just for 30 years but forever."

I would like to emphasize, in the strongest possible terms, that our aid for Israel is not only altruistic; indeed, our close relationship with Israel is in the moral and the strategic interest of the United States.

Le brave homme, quel talent quel orateur...

Et ceci dans le même discours :

Citation :
Resolution of the Palestinian issue in all its aspects, an achievement of a comprehensive peace on the basis of UN Resolutions 242 and 338 and the Camp David accords, is the best way, in the long run, to ensure Israel's security.


Citation :
We are now embarked on a negotiation which is persistent and determined, under the leadership of Ambassador Sol Linowitz, Ambassador Yosef Burg, and Prime Minister Mustafa Khalil, aiming for two goals: first, a self-governing authority for the Palestinians who live in the West Bank and Gaza, to enable them to participate in the determination of their own future; and second, arrangements to preserve Israel's legitimate security requirements, to be recognized not only by us but by all nations.


Citation :
Also let me restate a clear policy that has guided me through all these deliberations and which will guide me in the future.
I am opposed to an independent Palestinian state, because in my own judgment and in the judgment of many leaders in the Middle East, including many Arab leaders, this would be a destabilizing factor in the Middle East and would certainly not serve the United States interests.

Il est bien ce type, c'est qui ? Carter Quel homme de paix bravo!

Citation :
I will not negotiate with nor recognize the Palestine Liberation Organization, unless it first recognizes Israel's right to exist and accepts United Nations Security Resolutions 242 and 338.

Quel con, encore un antisioniste, ses propos frisent l'antisémitisme.


Ah oui le lien :

Comment faire confiance a un président qui dit tout et son contraire Very Happy Peut être le fait d'avoir vu un Ovni en 1969 , cela a laissé des traces Very Happy

il aurait promis de faire éclater la vérité sur tout témoignage concernant les OVNI et ensuite affirmer que ce ne sont que des rumeurs, on peut vraiment lui faire confiance. albino
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Nombre de messages : 147666
Age : 77
Localisation : paname
Date d'inscription : 19/11/2006

Devinette qui a dit  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Devinette qui a dit    Devinette qui a dit  Icon_minitimeVen 12 Avr - 17:43

faire confiance au marchant d'oléagineux dont l'association est financée par l'Arabie saoudite ??????

puisse t il s'etouffer avec une cacahouete
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MessageSujet: Re: Devinette qui a dit    Devinette qui a dit  Icon_minitime

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Devinette qui a dit
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