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 la LICRA attaque 5 lvres antisemites

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Nombre de messages : 10155
Date d'inscription : 19/11/2006

la LICRA  attaque  5  lvres antisemites - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: la LICRA attaque 5 lvres antisemites   la LICRA  attaque  5  lvres antisemites - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMar 1 Oct - 7:44

C'est vous qui renversez les choses. L’ennemie s'il avait un peu d'humanité échangerait les corps qu'il détient contre d'autres corps. Mais il en fait une monnaie d'échange odieuse.

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la LICRA  attaque  5  lvres antisemites - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: la LICRA attaque 5 lvres antisemites   la LICRA  attaque  5  lvres antisemites - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMar 1 Oct - 11:15

Trinita a écrit:
georges972 a écrit:
Trinita a écrit:
Non mais je plaisante là
C'est la meme chose avec Addine et ses questions sur ce Boeing venu s'encastrer dans le Pentagone. Pas de photos (ou peu) disponibles, c'est donc qu'il n'y a pas eu de Boeing.  
la LICRA  attaque  5  lvres antisemites - Page 4 897908-1106949

la LICRA  attaque  5  lvres antisemites - Page 4 897908-1106949

la LICRA  attaque  5  lvres antisemites - Page 4 897908-1106961

A part cela, ou est donc passé le Boeing, c'est compliqué pour toi de me poster des photos de cet avion ?

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la LICRA  attaque  5  lvres antisemites - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: la LICRA attaque 5 lvres antisemites   la LICRA  attaque  5  lvres antisemites - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMar 1 Oct - 11:53

addine69 a écrit:
Trinita a écrit:
georges972 a écrit:
Trinita a écrit:
Non mais je plaisante là
C'est la meme chose avec Addine et ses questions sur ce Boeing venu s'encastrer dans le Pentagone. Pas de photos (ou peu) disponibles, c'est donc qu'il n'y a pas eu de Boeing.  
la LICRA  attaque  5  lvres antisemites - Page 4 897908-1106949

la LICRA  attaque  5  lvres antisemites - Page 4 897908-1106949

la LICRA  attaque  5  lvres antisemites - Page 4 897908-1106961

A part cela, ou est donc passé le Boeing, c'est compliqué pour toi de me poster des photos de cet avion ?

C'est sur les photos et dans la vidéo.

Ton esprit refuse de voir les débris?
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Nombre de messages : 147666
Age : 77
Localisation : paname
Date d'inscription : 19/11/2006

la LICRA  attaque  5  lvres antisemites - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: la LICRA attaque 5 lvres antisemites   la LICRA  attaque  5  lvres antisemites - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMar 1 Oct - 12:07

c'est evident
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la LICRA  attaque  5  lvres antisemites - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: la LICRA attaque 5 lvres antisemites   la LICRA  attaque  5  lvres antisemites - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMar 1 Oct - 12:07

georges972 a écrit:
Trinita a écrit:
Non mais je plaisante là
Je ne suis pas tres sur de cela. Remarque comment la partie adverse retourne toujours le probleme: un soldat israelien avait ete attire dans les territoires, puis tue par son hote. Eh bien, Fr6, dans un de ses posts, a tranquillement affirme, apres avoir condamne l'attentat en passant, que cette mort ne s'expliquait que par la poursuite de l'occupation israelienne.
Que de 1948 a 1967, il n'y eut pas d'occupations et que le nombre de civils israeliens tues par des Arabes fut eleve, cela ne preoccupe personne. Au maximum, on en fera une theorie du complot.
C'est la meme chose avec Addine et ses questions sur ce Boeing venu s'encastrer dans le Pentagone. Pas de photos (ou peu) disponibles, c'est donc qu'il n'y a pas eu de Boeing, pas de Boeing, pas d'attentats, et surtout pas d'attentat islamiste, et a partir de la on arrive aux tours jumelles de New York, et on nous dira que ce n'etait qu'une illusion d'optique, que les Juifs furent les seuls a ne pas etre tues (il y en a eu plus de 300!!!).  
Citation :
C'est la meme chose avec Addine et ses questions sur ce Boeing venu s'encastrer dans le Pentagone. Pas de photos (ou peu) disponibles, c'est donc qu'il n'y a pas eu de Boeing, pas de Boeing, pas d'attentats, et surtout pas d'attentat islamiste, et a partir de la on arrive aux tours jumelles de New York, et on nous dira que ce n'etait qu'une illusion d'optique, que les Juifs furent les seuls a ne pas etre tues (il y en a eu plus de 300!!!).
Tu es libre de croire en ces conneries, comme je suis libre de croire aux miennes.

J'ai vécu aux états-unis, et cela me suffit largement pour dire que c'est une immonde et immense connerie du Siècle.

Par contre ne me fais pas dire ce que je n'ai pas écrit, je parle du Boeing du pentagone, non pas des autres qui se sont encastré dans les deux tours.

Grand bien vous fasse de croire en cette énormité, ça a au moins eu un effet positif, celui de monter un aussi gros mensonge pour justifier d'une attaque en Irak, pour un petit tube entre les mains de Colin Powell.

J'ai souvent entendu dire, que plus un mensonge est gros et mieux il passe.
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la LICRA  attaque  5  lvres antisemites - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: la LICRA attaque 5 lvres antisemites   la LICRA  attaque  5  lvres antisemites - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMar 1 Oct - 12:12

Addiiiiine regarde les photos, elles montrent les débris du Boeing.
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la LICRA  attaque  5  lvres antisemites - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: la LICRA attaque 5 lvres antisemites   la LICRA  attaque  5  lvres antisemites - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMar 1 Oct - 12:25

adm-janine a écrit:
c'est evident
Oui!! C'est évident que c'est une énorme connerie surtout.

Un Boeing de cet envergure ne laisse pas qu'un train d'atterrissage et quelques misérables pièces métallique.

Tous comme Chalghoumi, c'est tellement gros, que cela vous! 

la LICRA  attaque  5  lvres antisemites - Page 4 Wotrac10

Voici par exemple le Crash d'un Boeing au hasard et de ce qu'il pourrait en rester.

la LICRA  attaque  5  lvres antisemites - Page 4 77629310

Je réitére donc ma question.

Ou est donc passé ce Boeing ?Very Happy 

Au faite,  saviez vous qu'il y a eu avant l'intrusion de ce Boeing dans l'espace de sécurité aérienne du pentagone une panne des radars de contrôles et des batteries de défense qui intercepte automatiquement tout objet volant non identifié dans son espace aérien ?Very Happy 

Le pentagone est le centre névralgique de la sécurité des états-unis, ce n'est pas!

Dernière édition par addine69 le Mar 1 Oct - 12:34, édité 2 fois
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la LICRA  attaque  5  lvres antisemites - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: la LICRA attaque 5 lvres antisemites   la LICRA  attaque  5  lvres antisemites - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMar 1 Oct - 12:27

Trinita a écrit:
Addiiiiine regarde les photos, elles montrent les débris du Boeing.
En toute amitié et très sérieusement Trinita, cesses donc de m'interpeler pour me faire perdre mon temps avec tes arguments.Wink 

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la LICRA  attaque  5  lvres antisemites - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: la LICRA attaque 5 lvres antisemites   la LICRA  attaque  5  lvres antisemites - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMar 1 Oct - 12:28

Un peu de sérieux, Addine, ton boeing de la photo s'est crashé sur une piste d'atterrissage, pas à pleine vitesse contre un immeuble en béton.
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la LICRA  attaque  5  lvres antisemites - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: la LICRA attaque 5 lvres antisemites   la LICRA  attaque  5  lvres antisemites - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMar 1 Oct - 12:32

Trinita a écrit:
Un peu de sérieux, Addine, ton boeing de la photo s'est crashé sur une piste d'atterrissage, pas à pleine vitesse contre un immeuble en béton.
Merci Trinita pour cette précision.

C'est encore pire alors.

J'ai une question.

Quelle température aurait du atteindre le métal de ce Boeing pour être réduit en poudre ?
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la LICRA  attaque  5  lvres antisemites - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: la LICRA attaque 5 lvres antisemites   la LICRA  attaque  5  lvres antisemites - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMar 1 Oct - 12:38

addine69 a écrit:
Trinita a écrit:
Un peu de sérieux, Addine, ton boeing de la photo s'est crashé sur une piste d'atterrissage, pas à pleine vitesse contre un immeuble en béton.
Merci Trinita pour cette précision.

C'est encore pire alors.

J'ai une question.

Quelle température aurait du atteindre le métal de ce Boeing pour être réduit en poudre ?

Tu te poses les mauvaises questions pour un enquêteur.celles qui mènent vers des cul de sacs, et vers des doutes incongrus.

La vraie question pour le pentagone est...

comment a t'on pu produire autant de faux témoins...qui ont eu des déclarations qui se taisent sagement depuis.

(à suivre)
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MessageSujet: Re: la LICRA attaque 5 lvres antisemites   la LICRA  attaque  5  lvres antisemites - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMar 1 Oct - 12:39

Anderson, Steve

I witnessed the jet hit the Pentagon on September 11. From my office on the 19th floor of the USA TODAY building in Arlington, Va., I have a view of Arlington Cemetery, Crystal City, the Pentagon, National Airport and the Potomac River. ... Shortly after watching the second tragedy, I heard jet engines pass our building, which, being so close to the airport is very common. But I thought the airport was closed. I figured it was a plane coming in for landing. A few moments later, as I was looking down at my desk, the plane caught my eye. It didn't register at first. I thought to myself that I couldn't believe the pilot was flying so low. Then it dawned on me what was about to happen. I watched in horror as the plane flew at treetop level, banked slightly to the left, drug it's wing along the ground and slammed into the west wall of the Pentagon exploding into a giant orange fireball. Then black smoke. Then white smoke.
Anderson, Ted

Lt. Col. Ted Anderson : "We ran to the end of our building, turned left and saw nothing but huge, billowing black smoke, and a brilliant, brilliant explosion of fire." (...) One of the Pentagon's two fire trucks was parked only 50 feet from the crash site, and it was "totally engulfed in flames," Anderson says. Nearby, tanks full of propane and aviation fuel had begun igniting, and they soon began exploding, one by one. (...) Back in the building again, Anderson said he began "screaming and hollering for people as secondary and third-order explosions started going off. One of them was a fire department car exploding-I think my right eardrum exploded at the same time, and it unequivocally scared the heck out of me."
Anlauf, Deb & Jeff

Mrs. Deb Anlauf, resident of Colfax, Wisconsin, was in her 14th floor of the Sheraton Hotel [located 1.6 mile from the explosion], (immediately west of the Navy Annex) when she heard a "loud roar": Suddenly I saw this plane right outside my window. You felt like you could touch it; it was that close. It was just incredible. "Then it shot straight across from where we are and flew right into the Pentagon. It was just this huge fireball that crashed into the wall (of the Pentagon). When it hit, the whole hotel shook. (...) Jeff didn't feel the impact of the plane crash as directly as his wife. He was attending an environmental meeting on the second floor of the hotel when the plane struck the Pentagon. About five seconds before the crash, Jeff said he heard the sound of "tin being dropped," likely as construction workers building an addition to the hotel saw the plane and dropped their building materials. "Then, about 5 seconds later, the whole hotel shook," Jeff recalled. "I could feel it moving. We said 'Oh, my gosh, what's going on?' "

Battle, an office worker at the Pentagon, was standing outside the building and just about to enter when the aircraft struck. "It was coming down head first," he said. "And when the impact hit, the cars and everything were just shaking."
Bauer, Gary

Gary Bauer, a former Presidential candidate, happened to be driving into Washington, D.C. that morning, to a press conference on Capitol Hill. "I was in a massive traffic jam, hadn't moved more than a hundred yards in twenty minutes. ... I had just passed the closest place the Pentagon is to the exit on 395 . . . when all of a sudden I heard the roar of a jet engine. I looked at the woman sitting in the car next to me. She had this startled look on her face. We were all thinking the same thing. We looked out the front of our windows to try to see the plane, and it wasn't until a few seconds later that we realized the jet was coming up behind us on that major highway. And it veered to the right into the Pentagon. The blast literally rocked all of our cars. It was an incredible moment." / Amy Contrada / December 2001
Bauer, Gary

"...came from behind us and banked to the right and went into the Pentagon." Interview with Warren Smith
Beans, Michael

Anger and guilt still sear Lieutenant Colonel Michael Beans who shakes his head ruefully and asks himself why he survived: "Why you, not them? Who made that decision?" (...) Inside the Pentagon, the blast lifted Beans off the floor as he crossed a huge open office toward his desk. "You heard this huge concussion, then the room filled with this real bright light, just like everything was encompassed within this bright light," said Beans. "As soon as I hit the floor, all the lights went out, there was a small fire starting to burn." His friends were not so lucky. Not far away on the same floor, Beans' once familiar world had turned into a terrifying maze as well. Opening a door to the outer E-ring corridor, Beans saw waves of fire rolling towards him like surf on a beach. Turning back, he groped slowly back across the room on hands and knees. The sprinkler came on and that kept the smoke and heat down. But it was nervewracking and Beans was alone, listening as the building burned. "It was so quiet," he recalled. "There was no screaming, nobody saying anything, just nothing." He thought he might not make it out alive. He thought about his wife, his daughter and son, his 22 years in the army. "I remember taking a couple of breaths there, and I made up my mind: I just can't go out this way," he said. Suddenly out of the smoke a man ran by. "I tried to grab him, and I tried to yell at him," Beans said. But "he just disappeared into the smoke." Alone again, Beans crawled with his face to the floor. Then the carpet turned to wet tile, and he looked up and saw he was in a corridor. He ran and as the smoke cleared, he saw a guard. Beans discovered later that his head and forearms were burned. He now wears special flesh-colored compression sleeves on his arms. "These burns are going to heal, eventually," he said. But the memories "will be with me for the rest of my life."
Begala, Paul

Paul Begala, a Democratic consultant, said he witnessed an explosion near the Pentagon. "It was a huge fireball, a huge, orange fireball," he said in an interview on his mobile phone. He said another witness told him a helicopter exploded. AP, Washington, 9/12/2001 11:45:33 PM
Bell, Mickey

Mickey Bell : The jet came in from the south and banked left as it entered the building, narrowly missing the Singleton Electric trailer and the on-site foreman, Mickey Bell. Bell had just left the trailer when he heard a loud noise. The next thing he recalled was picking himself off the floor, where he had been thrown by the blast. Bell, who had been less than 100 feet from the initial impact of the plane, was nearly struck by one of the plane's wings as it sped by him. In shock, he got into his truck, which had been parked in the trailer compound, and sped away. He wandered around Arlington in his truck and tried to make wireless phone calls. He ended up back at Singleton's headquarters in Gaithersburg two hours later, according to President Singleton, not remembering much. The full impact of the closeness of the crash wasn't realized until coworkers noticed damage to Bell's work vehicle. He had plastic and rivets from an airplane imbedded in its sheet metal, but Bell had no idea what had happened. During Bell's close call, other Singleton workers, including sub-foreman Greg Cobaugh, were doing other work on the first and third floors. The blast wasn't very loud to them. They were talking about reports that two planes crashed into the World Trade Center in Manhattan, New York - not considering the noise they heard could be a similar attack.
Benedetto, Richard

Richard Benedetto, a USA TODAY reporter, was on his way to work, driving on the Highway parrallel to the Pentagon : "It was an American Airlines airplane, I could see it very clearly.(...) I didn't see the impact. (...) The sound itself sounded more like a thud rather than a bomb (...) rather than a loud bomb explosion it sounded muffled, heavy, very deep. I didn't see any flaps, it looked like the plane was just in normal flying mode but heading straight down. It was straight. The only thing we saw on the ground outside there was a piece of a ... the tail of a lamp post. (Video)
high bandwidth :
low bandwidth :
Biggert, Judy

Members of Congress have been shuttled to the site to inspect the damage. Rep. Judy Biggert (R-Ill.) made the trip on Thursday. She saw remnants of the airplane. 'There was a seat from a plane, there was part of the tail and then there was a part of green metal, I could not tell what it was, a part of the outside of the plane,' she said. 'It smelled like it was still burning.'
Birdwell, Brian

LTC Brian Birdwell. He was just heading back down the hall to his office when the building exploded in front of him. The flash fire was immediate and the smoke was thick. The blast had thrown him down, giving him a concussion. He wanted to head down the hall toward the A ring...but because he couldn't see anything he had no idea which way to go and he didn't want to head in the wrong direction. (...) Once they stabilized Brian, they transferred him to George Washington Hospital where...the best, cutting edge burn doctor in the U.S. The doctor told him that had he not gone to Georgetown first, he probably would not have survived because of the jet fuel in his lungs.
Birdwell, Brian

Down the hall from Yates, Lt. Col. Brian Birdwell, 40, had been at his desk in Room 2E486 since 6:30 a.m. (...) Birdwell walked out to the men's room in corridor 4, a move that saved his life. He had just taken three or four steps out of the bathroom when the building was rocked. "Bomb!" the Gulf War vet immediately thought as he was knocked down. When he stood up, he realized he was on fire. "Jesus, I'm coming to see you"
Boger, Sean

Sean Boger, Air Traffic Controller and Pentagon tower chief - "I just looked up and I saw the big nose and the wings of the aircraft coming right at us and I just watched it hit the building." "It exploded. I fell to the ground and covered my head. I could actually hear the metal going through the building." The crew, Boger and Spc. Jacqueline Kidd, air traffic controller and training supervisor, prepared for President George W. Bush to arrive from Florida around 12:30 p.m.
Bouchoux, Donald R.

Donald R. Bouchoux, 53, a retired Naval officer, a Great Falls resident, a Vietnam veteran and former commanding officer of a Navy fighter squadron, was driving west from Tysons Corner to the Pentagon for a 10am meeting. He wrote: At 9:40 a.m. I was driving down Washington Boulevard (Route 27) along the side of the Pentagon when the aircraft crossed about 200 yards [should be more than 150 yards from the impact] in front of me and impacted the side of the building. There was an enormous fireball, followed about two seconds later by debris raining down. The car moved about a foot to the right when the shock wave hit. I had what must have been an emergency oxygen bottle from the airplane go flying down across the front of my Explorer and then a second piece of jagged metal come down on the right side of the car. Washington Post, Sept. 20, 2001
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la LICRA  attaque  5  lvres antisemites - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: la LICRA attaque 5 lvres antisemites   la LICRA  attaque  5  lvres antisemites - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMar 1 Oct - 12:39

Bowman, John

John Bowman, a retired Marine lieutenant colonel and a contractor, was in his office in Corridor Two near the main entrance to the south parking lot. "Everything was calm,' Bowman said. "Most people knew it was a bomb. Everyone evacuated smartly. We have a good sprinkling of military people who have been shot at."
Braman, Chris

Staff Sgt. Chris Braman : The lawn was littered with twisted pieces of aluminum. He saw one chunk painted with the letter ``A,'' another with a ``C.'' It didn't occur to Braman what the letters signified until a man in the crowd stooped to pick up one of the smaller metal shards. He examined it for a moment, then announced: ``This was a jet.''
Bright, Mark

Defense Protective Service officers were the first on the scene of the terrorist attack. One, Mark Bright, actually saw the plane hit the building. He had been manning the guard booth at the Mall Entrance to the building. "I saw the plane at the Navy Annex area," he said. "I knew it was going to strike the building because it was very, very low -- at the height of the street lights. It knocked a couple down." The plane would have been seconds from impact -- the annex is only a few hundred yards from the Pentagon. He said he heard the plane "power-up" just before it struck the Pentagon. "As soon as it struck the building I just called in an attack, because I knew it couldn't be accidental," Bright said. He jumped into his police cruiser and headed to the area.
Brown, Ervin

At the Pentagon, employees had heard about or seen footage of the World Trade Centre attack when they felt their own building shake. Ervin Brown, who works at the Pentagon, said he saw pieces of what appeared to be small aircraft on the ground, and the part of the building by the heliport had collapsed.
Brown, Rich

Pentagon staff raced along a wooden pathway opposite the Pentagon building, all heading towards bridges that would take them across the Potomac River. Grown men ran at full pace. Rich Brown was sitting at his desk and "there was just a huge sound that shook the building for a second or two". "I don't know what's happened. I assume it's a co-ordinated terrorist attack."
Burgess, Lisa

Lisa Burgess, a reporter for the Army newspaper Stars and Stripes, said she was walking in a corridor near the blast site and was thrown to the ground by the force of the blast.
Burgess, Lisa

Lisa Burgess : Stars and Stripes reporter Lisa Burgess was walking on the Pentagon's innermost corridor, across the courtyard, when the incident happened. "I heard two loud booms - one large, one smaller, and the shock wave threw me against the wall," she said.Burgess, reporting by telephone from the scene at about 4 p.m., said that five hours after the blast, still no one was able to get into the building. After the first casualties were removed, no one was brought out of the building, either dead or alive.

It was a passenger plane. I think an American Airways plane, Mr Campo said. "I was cutting the grass and it came in screaming over my head. I felt the impact. The whole ground shook and the whole area was full of fire. I could never imagine I would see anything like that here."
Cissell, James R.

As former Cincinnatian James R. Cissell sat in traffic on a Virginia interstate by the Pentagon Tuesday morning, he saw the blur of a commercial jet and wondered why it was flying so low. ''Right about the time it was crossing over the highway, it kind of dawned on me what was happening,'' said Cissell, son of Hamilton County Clerk of Courts Jim Cissell. In the next blink of an eye, he realized he had a front-row seat to history, as the plane plowed into the Pentagon, sending a fireball exploding into the air and scattering debris - including a tire rim suspected of belonging to the airplane - past his car. (...) In the next seconds dozens of things flashed through his mind. ''I thought, 'This isn't really happening. That is a big plane.' Then I saw the faces of some of the passengers on board,'' Cissell said. While he remembers seeing the crash, Cissell remembers none of the sounds. ''It came in in a perfectly straight line,'' he said. ''It didn't slow down. I want to say it accelerated. It just shot straight in.''
Cleveland, Allen

Allen Cleveland of Woodbridge Virginia looked out from a Metro train going to National Airport, to see a jet heading down toward the Pentagon. "I thought, 'There's no landing strip on that side of the subway tracks,' " Before he could process that thought, he saw "a huge mushroom cloud. A lady staThe lady next to me was in absolute hysterics."" . . a silver pasenger jet, mid sized"
Cleveland, Allen

Soon after the crash (Within 30 seconds of the crash) I witnessed a military cargo plane (Possibly a C130) fly over the crash site and circle the mushroom cloud. My brother inlaw also witnessed the same plane following the jet while he was on the HOV lanes in Springfield. He said that he saw a jetliner flying low over the tree tops near Seminary RD in Springfield, VA. and soon afterwards a military plane was seen flying right behind it. I think this was also a reason for the false threat of another plane about to crash which caused rescuers to have to evacuate for a short time after the initial crash. I have done my research onthis and according to time magazine it took 24 minutes before Norad was supposedly notified about this particuliar jet and fighters were scrambling to intercept at that time. Isn't it odd how there is Not a single mention of this aircraft in ANY of the articles written about this crash? Also if you had not noticed... There is not a single picture or live footage of the actual jet prior to its crash at the Pentagon. Nor is there any of the one that crashed in Pennsylvania. But if Anyone who rides the metro-rail knows, there are plenty of Video cameras all around National airport at the parking Garages and the high level security buildings found all around Crystal city. (3 of which I have personally found pointed directly towards crystal city which would have given a great line of site shot of that jet prior to the crash as well as any other plane which might have been following it. I personally believe that the government new full well that this was about to happen and they are hiding something a lot bigger than they are willing to let out. I was interviewed at and gave them my full story, but they did not print it as I have told you. I also find it interesting that one of the planes engines in the pennsylvania crash was supposedly found 5 miles prior to the crash site (This information I'm unsure of). The only thing that I'm aware of that might cause that would be a heat seeking missle. A weapon which I am pretty familiar with form I'm not saying that the government new exactly what was about to happen, but I do believe that they are definitely hiding something here. Many of my friends in intelligence have said the same. I work in a Gov. building in DC., but my heart is right there with you and your team. I hope you and those who served with you are doing well. Take care.
Cook, Scott P.

[We didn't know what kind of plane had hit the Pentagon, or where it had hit. Later, we were told that] it was a 757 out of Dulles, which had come up the river in back of our building, turned sharply over the Capitol, ran past the White House and the Washington Monument, up the river to Rosslyn, then dropped to treetop level and ran down Washington Boulevard to the Pentagon (...) As we watched the black plume gather strength, less than a minute after the explosion, we saw an odd sight that no one else has yet commented on. Directly in back of the plume, which would place it almost due west from our office, a four-engine propeller plane, which Ray later said resembled a C-130, started a steep decent towards the Pentagon. It was coming from an odd direction (planes don't go east-west in the area), and it was descending at a much steeper angle than most aircraft. Trailing a thin, diffuse black trail from its engines, the plane reached the Pentagon at a low altitude and made a sharp left turn, passing just north of the plume, and headed straight for the White House. All the while, I was sort of talking at it: "Who the hell are you? Where are you going? You're not headed for downtown!" Ray and Verle watched it with me, and I was convinced it was another attack. But right over the tidal basin, at an altitude of less than 1000 feet, it made another sharp left turn to the north and climbed rapidly. Soon it was gone, leaving only the thin black trail.

"It was striking to me how little of the building was involved in the fire," said Dr. Corley, who has reviewed the Pentagon report. The fire, he said, "didn't spread and and trap other people in the building. "While 125 Pentagon workers and 59 passengers and crew members on the plane died, few if any of the workers who died were from outside the immediate impact zone."
Correa, Victor

LTC Victor Correa work at the Pentagon. (...) LTC Victor Correa's office, what was the Army's Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel, now the Army G-1, was in the path of the Boeing 757 that crashed into the Pentagon on a sunny fall morning. He was walking over to talk to a co-worker in the next cubicle when he was knocked down by the impact. "I saw a fireball come over my head," said Correa, an Active Guard Reservist now assigned to Joint Chiefs of Staff, J-5. "The fireball was coming like a wind-cloud of smoke trailing it. I also noticed to my right the windows going out and coming back in. The fireball came in and out quick - the speed of lightning. As it went back, it left a cloud of smoke and started dropping. At that time the fire system went up." Being knocked down turned out to be a life-saver. (...) "We thought it was some kind of explosion. That somehow someone got in here and planted bombs because we saw these holes."
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MessageSujet: Re: la LICRA attaque 5 lvres antisemites   la LICRA  attaque  5  lvres antisemites - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMar 1 Oct - 12:40

Creed, Dan

He and two colleagues from Oracle software were stopped in a car near the Naval Annex, next to the Pentagon, when they saw the plane dive down and level off. "It was no more than 30 feet off the ground, and it was screaming. It was just screaming. It was nothing more than a guided missile at that point," Creed said. "I can still see the plane. I can still see it right now. It's just the most frightening thing in the world, going full speed, going full throttle, its wheels up," Creed recalls.

Damoose said the worst part was leaving the Pentagon and walking along Fort Meyer Drive, a bike trail, "you could see pieces of the plane."

Near the Lincoln Memorial, Dave heard two booms, which sounded like the artillery salutes on the Mall on the Fourth of July, he said. It was likely the noise from a secondary blast at the Pentagon -
Day Wayne T.

For one employee with Wedge One's mechanical subcontractor John J. Kirlin Inc., Rockville MD, "lucky" is an understatement. "We had one guy who was standing, looking out the window and saw the plane when it was coming in. He was in front of one of the blast-resistant windows," says Kirlin President Wayne T. Day, who believes the window structure saved the man's life. According to Matt Hahr, Kirlin's senior project manager at the Pentagon, the employee "was thrown about 80 ft down the hall through the air. As he was traveling through the air, he says the ceiling was coming down from the concussion. He got thrown into a closet, the door slammed shut and the fireball went past him," recounts Hahr. "Jet fuel was on him and it irritated his eyes, but he didn't get burned. Then the fireball blew over and the sprinklers came on, and he was able to crawl out of the closet and get out of the building through the courtyard."
DeChiaro, Steve

Instead of following the streams of people away from the Pentagon, Steve DeChiaro ran toward the smoke. As he reached the west side of the building he saw a light post bent in half. "But when I looked at the site, my brain could not resolve the fact that it was a plane because it only seemed like a small hole in the building," he said. "No tail. No wings. No nothing." He followed the emergency crews that had just arrived. He saw people hanging out of windows and others crawling from the demolished area. "These people were covered in what I thought was powder - I don't know anything about medicine or first aid, I'm an engineer - but it looked like powder," DeChiaro said. "Only later did I find out that it was their skin." Civilians and soldiers joined emergency crews who were rushing inside to pull out anyone they could. But shortly after 10 a.m. police yelled at people to get back. "Just as we're about to open the door, they start screaming, 'There's another inbound plane', " DeChiaro said. "At that moment, your thoughts are: 'I go in the building, I get killed, then I'm no help to anybody.' In hindsight, I think we should have gone back in that building." For nearly 15 minutes, they stood watching the Pentagon burn and periodically checked the sky for another plane. That plane never reached Washington but fell, instead, in rural Pennsylvania. Teams of two and three eventually were sent back in to find more victims. But as the day grew longer, the flow of the injured stopped.,1426,MCA_945_1300676,00.html

"The only way you could tell that an aircraft was inside was that we saw pieces of the nose gear. The devastation was horrific. It was obvious that some of the victims we found had no time to react. The distance the firefighters had to travel down corridors to reach the fires was a problem. With only a good 25 minutes of air in their SCBA bottles, to save air they left off their face pieces as they walked and took in a lot of smoke," Captain Defina said. Captain Defina was the shift commander [of an aircraft rescue firefighters crew.]
DiPaula, Michael

Michael DiPaula 41, project coordinator Pentagon Renovation Team - He left a meeting in the Pentagon just minutes before the crash, looking for an electrician who didn't show, in a construction trailer less than 75 feet away. "Suddenly, an airplane roared into view, nearly shearing the roof off the trailer before slamming into the E ring. 'It sounded like a missile,' DiPaula recalls . . . Buried in debris and covered with airplane fuel, he was briefly listed by authorities as missing, but eventually crawled from the flaming debris and the shroud of black smoke unscathed. (killtown)
Dobbs, Mike

Marine Corps officer Mike Dobbs was standing on one of the upper levels of the outer ring of the Pentagon looking out the window when he saw an American Airlines 737 twin-engine airliner strike the building. "It seemed to be almost coming in slow motion," he said later Tuesday. "I didn't actually feel it hit, but I saw it and then we all started running. They evacuated everybody around us."
Dobbs, Mike

"... we saw a plane coming toward us, for about 10 seconds ... It was like watching a train wreck. I was mesmerized. ... At first I thought it was trying to crash land, but it was coming in so deliberately, so level... Everyone said there was a deafening explosion, but with the adrenaline, we didn't hear it."St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Sept. 13, 2001 - Philip Dine ...
Dougherty, Jill

Jill Dougherty : It took your breath away, data analyst Jill Dougherty said of the vibration. It went right through you. I didn't hear anything. I just felt it.
Dubill, Bob

" (...) when he saw a jetliner fly over the roadway. It filled his field of vision. The jet was 40-feet off the ground speeding toward the Pentagon. The wheels were up
Eberle, Bobby

"Riding in a convertible ... I looked back and saw a jet airliner flying very low and very fast.
Eiden, Steve

Steve Eiden, a truck driver, had picked up his cargo that Tuesday morning in Williamsburg, Va., and was en route to New York City and witnessed the aftermath. He took the Highway 95 loop in the area of the Pentagon and thought it odd to see a plane in restricted airspace, thinking to himself it was odd that it was flying so low. "You could almost see the people in the windows," he said as he watched the plane disappear behind a line of trees, followed by a tall plume of black smoke. Then he saw the Pentagon on fire, and an announcement came over the radio that the Pentagon had been hit.
Elgas, Penny

Traffic was at a standstill. I heard a rumble, looked out my driver's side window and realized that I was looking at the nose of an airplane coming straight at us from over the road (Columbia Pike) that runs perpendicular to the road I was on. The plane just appeared there- very low in the air, to the side of (and not much above) the CITGO gas station that I never knew was there. My first thought was "Oh My God, this must be World War III!" In that split second, my brain flooded with adrenaline and I watched everything play out in ultra slow motion, I saw the plane coming in slow motion toward my car and then it banked in the slightest turn in front of me, toward the heliport. In the nano-second that the plane was directly over the cars in front of my car, the plane seemed to be not more than 80 feet off the ground and about 4-5 car lengths in front of me. It was far enough in front of me that I saw the end of the wing closest to me and the underside of the other wing as that other wing rocked slightly toward the ground. I remember recognizing it as an American Airlines plane -- I could see the windows and the color stripes. And I remember thinking that it was just like planes in which I had flown many times but at that point it never occurred to me that this might be a plane with passengers. In my adrenaline-filled state of mind, I was overcome by my visual senses. The day had started out beautiful and sunny and I had driven to work with my car's sunroof open. I believe that I may have also had one or more car windows open because the traffic wasn't moving anyway. At the second that I saw the plane, my visual senses took over completely and I did not hear or feel anything -- not the roar of the plane, or wind force, or impact sounds. The plane seemed to be floating as if it were a paper glider and I watched in horror as it gently rocked and slowly glided straight into the Pentagon. At the point where the fuselage hit the wall, it seemed to simply melt into the building. I saw a smoke ring surround the fuselage as it made contact with the wall. It appeared as a smoke ring that encircled the fuselage at the point of contact and it seemed to be several feet thick. I later realized that it was probably the rubble of churning bits of the plane and concrete. The churning smoke ring started at the top of the fuselage and simultaneously wrapped down both the right and left sides of the fuselage to the underside, where the coiling rings crossed over each other and then coiled back up to the top. Then it started over again -- only this next time, I also saw fire, glowing fire in the smoke ring. At that point, the wings disappeared into the Pentagon. And then I saw an explosion and watched the tail of the plane slip into the building. It was here that I closed my eyes for a moment and when I looked back, the entire area was awash in thick black smoke.

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MessageSujet: Re: la LICRA attaque 5 lvres antisemites   la LICRA  attaque  5  lvres antisemites - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMar 1 Oct - 12:45

Trinita a écrit:
addine69 a écrit:
Trinita a écrit:
Un peu de sérieux, Addine, ton boeing de la photo s'est crashé sur une piste d'atterrissage, pas à pleine vitesse contre un immeuble en béton.
Merci Trinita pour cette précision.

C'est encore pire alors.

J'ai une question.

Quelle température aurait du atteindre le métal de ce Boeing pour être réduit en poudre ?
Tu te poses les mauvaises questions pour un enquêteur.celles qui mènent vers des cul de sacs, et vers des doutes incongrus.

La vraie question pour le pentagone est...

comment a t'on pu produire autant de faux témoins...qui ont eu des déclarations qui se taisent sagement depuis.

(à suivre)
Citation :
Quelle température aurait du atteindre le métal de ce Boeing pour être réduit en poudre ?
Réponds donc à cette question ou cesse de m'interpeler.

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MessageSujet: Re: la LICRA attaque 5 lvres antisemites   la LICRA  attaque  5  lvres antisemites - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMar 1 Oct - 12:47

Désolé mais la (longue)liste de ces témoignages réduit à néant ta tentative de diversion chimique.

Si aucun avion ne s’est écrasé sur le Pentagone ce matin du 11 septembre, que faire des témoins oculaires du crash, ces gens qui affirment avoir vu un avion percuter le Pentagone ? Tous des affabulateurs ?

Des listes de témoins existent. Ils sont référencés, avec leur déclaration, la date et le média qui l’a recueillie.

La plupart d’entre eux ont vu l’avion alors qu’ils se rendaient en voiture sur leur lieu de travail. C’est le cas de Mike Walter, un journaliste d’une cinquantaine d’années que nous avons pu joindre.

Ce matin du 11 septembre, il est en route pour USA Today. Il est plus de 9h30, il est en retard. « Si j’étais arrivé à l’heure au travail, je n’aurais jamais vu ça ! » A l’époque, son bureau se trouve à cinq minutes du Pentagone, à Arlington (Virginie) :

Mais la circulation est bloquée. Il décide de se calmer, baisse la vitre de sa voiture :

« Et c’est à ce moment-là que j’ai entendu l’avion. J’ai levé les yeux, et j’ai vu le dessous d’un avion, qui commençait à virer de bord. Puis il s’est redressé et a accéléré vers le Pentagone, à grande vitesse. »

Une énorme boule de feu

D’où il se trouve, Mike Walter voit distinctement le sigle AA, d’American Airlines :

« J’étais incapable de dire si c’était un 747, un 737 ou autre chose, tout ce que je pouvais dire c’est que c’était un avion commercial d’American Airlines. »

L’avion heurte des lampadaires sur son passage :

« J’avais l’impression que le pilote perdait le contrôle, l’avion s’est écrasé sur le Pentagone, très bas. Il y a eu une énorme boule de feu ».

Après, c’est la panique : « Les gens criaient, tout le monde faisait marche arrière, les véhicules allaient dans toutes les directions. » Mike Walter arrête sa voiture, sort. « Je ne sais pas pourquoi, mais je n’ai pas réalisé tout de suite que c’était une autre attaque terroriste ».

Il a fallu qu’une dame dise : « Il faut qu’on sorte de là, ils viennent de frapper le Pentagone » pour qu’il comprenne ce qui arrivait.

Il a ensuite témoigné à plusieurs reprises, devant les caméras de télévision présentes. (Voir la vidéo, en anglais)

Sans rancune.
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MessageSujet: Re: la LICRA attaque 5 lvres antisemites   la LICRA  attaque  5  lvres antisemites - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMar 1 Oct - 12:52

Et pour clôturer, un passage de Georges.

Citation :
et a partir de la on arrive aux tours jumelles de New York, et on nous dira que ce n'etait qu'une illusion d'optique
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MessageSujet: Re: la LICRA attaque 5 lvres antisemites   la LICRA  attaque  5  lvres antisemites - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMar 1 Oct - 12:53

Trinita a écrit:
Désolé mais la (longue)liste de ces témoignages réduit à néant ta tentative de diversion chimique.

Si aucun avion ne s’est écrasé sur le Pentagone ce matin du 11 septembre, que faire des témoins oculaires du crash, ces gens qui affirment avoir vu un avion percuter le Pentagone ? Tous des affabulateurs ?

Des listes de témoins existent. Ils sont référencés, avec leur déclaration, la date et le média qui l’a recueillie.

La plupart d’entre eux ont vu l’avion alors qu’ils se rendaient en voiture sur leur lieu de travail. C’est le cas de Mike Walter, un journaliste d’une cinquantaine d’années que nous avons pu joindre.

Ce matin du 11 septembre, il est en route pour USA Today. Il est plus de 9h30, il est en retard. « Si j’étais arrivé à l’heure au travail, je n’aurais jamais vu ça ! » A l’époque, son bureau se trouve à cinq minutes du Pentagone, à Arlington (Virginie) :

Mais la circulation est bloquée. Il décide de se calmer, baisse la vitre de sa voiture :

       « Et c’est à ce moment-là que j’ai entendu l’avion. J’ai levé les yeux, et j’ai vu le dessous d’un avion, qui commençait à virer de bord. Puis il s’est redressé et a accéléré vers le Pentagone, à grande vitesse. »

Une énorme boule de feu

D’où il se trouve, Mike Walter voit distinctement le sigle AA, d’American Airlines :

       « J’étais incapable de dire si c’était un 747, un 737 ou autre chose, tout ce que je pouvais dire c’est que c’était un avion commercial d’American Airlines. »

L’avion heurte des lampadaires sur son passage :

       « J’avais l’impression que le pilote perdait le contrôle, l’avion s’est écrasé sur le Pentagone, très bas. Il y a eu une énorme boule de feu ».

   Après, c’est la panique : « Les gens criaient, tout le monde faisait marche arrière, les véhicules allaient dans toutes les directions. » Mike Walter arrête sa voiture, sort. « Je ne sais pas pourquoi, mais je n’ai pas réalisé tout de suite que c’était une autre attaque terroriste ».

   Il a fallu qu’une dame dise : « Il faut qu’on sorte de là, ils viennent de frapper le Pentagone » pour qu’il comprenne ce qui arrivait.

   Il a ensuite témoigné à plusieurs reprises, devant les caméras de télévision présentes. (Voir la vidéo, en anglais)

Sans rancune.
Comme tous le monde affirme que Ben Laden a bien été envoyé au fond des mers, juste sur un simple communiqué.lol! 
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MessageSujet: Re: la LICRA attaque 5 lvres antisemites   la LICRA  attaque  5  lvres antisemites - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMar 1 Oct - 12:59

Et tellement cette ignoble mensonge d'état est énorme, qu'il rajoute même, alors que c'était le chaos, qu'un passant a gentiment trouvé au près des deux tours le passeport de l'un des pirates.

la LICRA  attaque  5  lvres antisemites - Page 4 26414410

Tu as une explication Trinita ?Very Happy 
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Nombre de messages : 24428
Age : 77
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Date d'inscription : 20/11/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: la LICRA attaque 5 lvres antisemites   la LICRA  attaque  5  lvres antisemites - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMar 1 Oct - 13:03

Addine, j'etais ironique en ecrivant cela. J'ai pense que tu aurais compris. Je me suis trompe. En fait, tu etais coince dans ta theorie du complot et tu n'en demordais pas.

C'est curieux comme ces theories du complot marchent aussi bien dans le monde arabo-musulman. Je crois que cela permet de se debarasser intellectuellement des problemes sans fin qui se posent dans l'ensemble de ces pays.

En Tunisie, on se pose la question de savoir qui est meilleur musulman. Cela permet de detourner l'attention du peuple des vrais problemes, la repartition plus equitable des richesses, la liberte de pensee, le chomage endemique, etc, etc.. Mais tout cela est naturellement recouvert par le complot des Croises et des Sionistes.

C'est la meme chose en Egypte. On a chasse Moubarak et on a aussitot demande l'abrogation du traite de paix egypto-israelien. On a elu Morsi et on a espere que les Freres Musulmans appelaient a la liberation des terres arabes. Apres un an de tergiversations, on a renverse Morsi et on a place le nasseriste Sissi au pouvoir et de nouveau on a accuse les Croises et les Sionistes.

En Syrie, Assad accuse les Croises et les Sionistes, et etonnament on entend la meme chose dans l'opposition syrienne. Alors pourquoi continuent-ils a se battre entre eux?

L'Iran n'a pas encore realise sa bombinette. C'est la faute aux Croises et aux Sionistes.

Ca devient lassant, non Addine?
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MessageSujet: Re: la LICRA attaque 5 lvres antisemites   la LICRA  attaque  5  lvres antisemites - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMar 1 Oct - 13:19

georges972 a écrit:
Addine, j'etais ironique en ecrivant cela. J'ai pense que tu aurais compris. Je me suis trompe. En fait, tu etais coince dans ta theorie du complot et tu n'en demordais pas.

C'est curieux comme ces theories du complot marchent aussi bien dans le monde arabo-musulman. Je crois que cela permet de se debarasser intellectuellement des problemes sans fin qui se posent dans l'ensemble de ces pays.

En Tunisie, on se pose la question de savoir qui est meilleur musulman. Cela permet de detourner l'attention du peuple des vrais problemes, la repartition plus equitable des richesses, la liberte de pensee, le chomage endemique, etc, etc.. Mais tout cela est naturellement recouvert par le complot des Croises et des Sionistes.

C'est la meme chose en Egypte. On a chasse Moubarak et on a aussitot demande l'abrogation du traite de paix egypto-israelien. On a elu Morsi et on a espere que les Freres Musulmans appelaient a la liberation des terres arabes. Apres un an de tergiversations, on a renverse Morsi et on a place le nasseriste Sissi au pouvoir et de nouveau on a accuse les Croises et les Sionistes.

En Syrie, Assad accuse les Croises et les Sionistes, et etonnament on entend la meme chose dans l'opposition syrienne. Alors pourquoi continuent-ils a se battre entre eux?

L'Iran n'a pas encore realise sa bombinette. C'est la faute aux Croises et aux Sionistes.

Ca devient lassant, non Addine?
Les complots et c'est bien là ou je croyais aussi que tu me connaissais un petit peu, ne sont pas exclusivement l'oeuvre de ceux que tu décris, les arabes sont aussi adeptes de ces méthodes.

Pas toujours les mêmes voyons!!!Very Happy 
Citation :

C'est curieux comme ces theories du complot marchent aussi bien dans le monde arabo-musulman.

Voilà, une formulation navrante auquel tu m'identifies et ensuite vous vous plaignez que d'autres stigmatisent toujours les juifs.

C'est le même procédé.

Pour ne pas sortir de ce sujet, tu as raison de dire que j'en démordrais pas.Wink

Dernière édition par addine69 le Mar 1 Oct - 13:21, édité 1 fois
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MessageSujet: Re: la LICRA attaque 5 lvres antisemites   la LICRA  attaque  5  lvres antisemites - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMar 1 Oct - 13:20

addine69 a écrit:
Et tellement cette ignoble mensonge d'état est énorme, qu'il rajoute même, alors que c'était le chaos, qu'un passant a gentiment trouvé au près des deux tours le passeport de l'un des pirates.

la LICRA  attaque  5  lvres antisemites - Page 4 26414410

Tu as une explication Trinita ?Very Happy 
La gravité de l'atmosphère terrestre.

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MessageSujet: Re: la LICRA attaque 5 lvres antisemites   la LICRA  attaque  5  lvres antisemites - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMar 1 Oct - 13:24

Le fait sur lequel aucun des partisans de la thèse complotiste ne s’attarde est qu’entre le moment où les avions se sont écrasés dans les tours et celui où elles se sont effondrées, le sol des rues en contrebas du World Trade Center était jonché de débris issus des immeubles mais aussi des avions qui venaient de s’y cracher, comme on peut le constater sur ces photos. Sur l’une d’elles, on aperçoit ainsi deux hommes en train d’examiner un bout de siège provenant de l’avion qui a percuté la tour Nord du WTC.

la LICRA  attaque  5  lvres antisemites - Page 4 2641440-3735322

Les conspirationnistes font également mine d’oublier que d’autres pièces d’identité et effets personnels des victimes des avions (bijoux, photos, portefeuilles, sacs à main, cartes de crédit, chaussures, monnaie, chéquiers, etc.) qui se sont écrasés dans les Tours jumelles, sur le Pentagone ou à Shanksville, ont également été retrouvés, parfois en très bon état comme la carte bleue de Waleed Iskandar (un passager du Vol 11 d’AA) ou la carte « Miles » United Airlines de Lisa Anne Frost (une passagère du Vol 175 de la United Airlines).

Des gilets de sauvetage et des parties de sièges de l’avion ont par ailleurs été retrouvés sur les toits d’immeubles en contrebas comme le Bankers Trust ou le One Liberty Plaza.

De même, de nombreux débris et affaires appartenant aux passagers du Vol 93 de la United Airlines, qui s’est écrasé dans un champ à Shanksville, en Pennsylvanie, ont été retrouvés (4) : des documents appartenant à CeeCee Lyles, le permis de conduire de John Talignani, mais aussi le passeport du pirate de l’air Saeed al-Ghamdi et une partie de celui de son complice Ziad Jarrah.

Une carte d'étudiant saoudienne établie au nom de Majed Moqed, l’un des pirates de l’air du vol 77 d'American Airlines, a enfin été retrouvée dans les décombres du Pentagone… de même, ici encore, que plusieurs autres effets personnels appartenant aux passagers.

Evidemment, de telles découvertes ne lassent pas d’étonner. Personne ne s’attendait à ce que l’on retrouve autant d’objets, parfois intacts. Peut-être, tout simplement, parce qu’avant le 11-Septembre, personne ne s’attendait au 11-Septembre.
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MessageSujet: Re: la LICRA attaque 5 lvres antisemites   la LICRA  attaque  5  lvres antisemites - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMar 1 Oct - 13:31

Ils sont trop fort ces ricains.

Alors seperlipopette, tu vas me répondre ou pas ?

Quelle degré de température doit atteindre un Boeing pour se consumer complètement et être réduit en poudre.

Tu as du mal ou bien est tu incapable d'y répondre en bottant encore en touche avec tes divers liens pour esquiver la question.

Je crois que Georges pourrait aisément y répondre sans aucun détour.

Georges stp, peux tu y répondre ?Very Happy 

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MessageSujet: Re: la LICRA attaque 5 lvres antisemites   la LICRA  attaque  5  lvres antisemites - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMar 1 Oct - 13:36

ça ne marche pas, Addine.

La cohérence globale des évènements du 11/9 ne résiste pas à des calculs chimiques ou physiques capillotractés.trop de témoins concordants, d'evidences visuelles.

La seule théorie du complot que je trouverais à la rigueur plausible, c'est celle d'avoir eu vent d'évènements graves et d'avoir fermé les yeux pour justifier l'invasion de l'Irak.Rumsfeld m'en semblait capable.

Mais les explosifs, les missiles et les avions fantômes, c'est vraiment trop bidon.
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